Here Dowlin and Dean are loaded and read to leave on the Priest High Adventure. This is part of the 16-18 years old Scouting program. The Young Mens Presidents family has a cabin about 4-5 hours Southeast, almost New Mexico I believe Dean said. They hiked, went Elk spotting, swiming, horse back riding, and mountain biking and had a great week bonding with the guys! Dean was able to go for the week but to hear Dowlin re-tell the mountain biking story Dean was done before they were up the hill. He stole another kids bike which had a "girl" seat on it to start with, but by the end of the day, and a few near death experiences he offered to drive the truck and trailer to the pickup spot the rest of the week. (The horseback riding scene from "The Great Outdoors" with John Candy and Dan Akroid is what I picture here) Dowlin also learned that our Bishop is crazy! Said he never used his brakes - went down the mountain like his hair was on fire! LOL