Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight -

For the record I have to say the books are 1000X better than the movie! Once upon a time, in September of 2007, I was dropping Zachery off at a Harry Potter themed birthday party. I stood by the door making small talk for a few minutes with Amy, when she suddenly said, "You have to read this!" Magically Jamie appeared with a book, titled 'Twilight'. I looked at it, Amy said, "It's a vampire love story, but it's really good." I left with the book in hand, placing it in the console of the van, where it sat for a week.

When I saw it again, I thought, 'Either take it in and read it or give it back! It's a signed copy for heaven sakes.' - I took it in!
The next day, as I closed the book on the final chapter...(yes, less than 24 hours) I thought, 'W O W! That was good', I turned the book over and started it again! I knew there was going to be a sequel called New Moon, the 1st chapter was in the back of I closed the book one day, I saw a website on the back, I went there only to discover the next 2 BOOKS WERE OUT!

I called Jamie, the source of the books, and borrowed the next 2 books. And so the cycle began, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, etc, etc, etc...

I am going to spare you a lot of detail here, but I began talking to friends about "The Series" and next think you know I was recommending it... Taleen read it, Doreen read it, Katie was reading it to Kyle - Hilarious! I'm not going into detail about the story, if you have been in a cave or something for the last 3 years, go to a book store and pick up all 4 books now, might as well get the movie sound track, although if you're like me the music was not my style.

As I said I spent the better part of the year reading on the 3 book loop, waiting for book #4, Breaking Dawn, to be released in August. One day, another friend, Malie, said, "Have you been to the Fan fiction sites?" that's right, add a new element - It's CRAZY. I totally blame Amy, Jamie, and Malie for my obsession! Actually Malie and I have decided we"re not "Obsessed" were "Passionate"
So in like Feb or March, they started filming Twilight the movie...Talk about sensory overload!!!

Well, the book came out in August, and the movie came out Nov 21. I refused to go to the Breaking Dawn midnight release party, however I took several calls to answer trivia questions for friends. Although I predicted several plot happenings in the new book, it wasn't really how I saw it in my head. I kept saying, 'This is weird". I read it and shelved it, thinking I was cured of my cycle. Well I decided to read it at the beginning of Nov. It took about 2 weeks, and I enjoyed it so much more!

This brings us to today! November 21, 2008. THE day...I was pressured into (LOL) going to the Midnight showing of Twilight...You know the saying "The book is always better than the movie" - really true here. I hate to say, I was kinda disappointed...Could have been sooo good. So many things left out, so not how I pictured it...Well, another friend, Lori, had tickets and asked me to go with her. So again at 7PM we hit the theater - amazingly, I liked it a lot better the 2nd time! I think the expectation and anxiety I had for the first showing was gone and I could just enjoy it and look at the movie, rather than look for what I was wishing for...Does that even make sense? Anyway, If you saw it and felt disappointed like I did, I recommend you see it again. (and again and again...) Can you believe it made $70.55 Million opening weekend? Whoa!

Probably the funnest Twilight experience I have had was the 21 days before Breaking Dawn came out, they put quotes from the book on Stephenie Meyer's website. (that's the author) Malie lives in Hawaii, she and I texted back and forth our predictions about the quotes, I kept track of them, and in the end sent her a copy. As we found the actual quote in the book, we did pretty well. getting more than 1/2 close, or dead on. It was fun.

Mercedes and I made shirts for the Midnight showing -
We decided there was no reason to do a Midnight showing of New Moon which by the way will start filming early next year, with a bigger budget!

Funny UPDATE - No secret that Dean and Dowlin dislike these books...Dean tries to be a good sport, but it gets on his nerves easily. Dowlin says he's just tired of going without decent meals. (K, that only happens the first time through a book!) Anyway, Dowlin's announces that Maritza thinks the books are stupid. That he's found the only girl who hates Edward. (one of the main characters) Well, Maritza was over the day I was making our shirts, she asked what they were for, Mercedes and I looked sideways at each other, I plopped the book down in front of her, Dow freaked out - she didn't even know anything about them! She thinks her aunt told her she should read them... Mercedes and I busted out laughing at Dowlin - she said, "No Dow, you didn't find the only girl who hates Twilight...You found the only girl who hasn't read Twilight". So Hilarious!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Zachery turns 10

Well FINALLY! That's Zachery's thoughts on waiting the entire year for his birthday! :)

Zachery is a great guy! He is in 4th grade and doing very well. He and Brittney joined the school choir at the beginning of the year and despite the early hours of daily practice, they are enjoying it. Zach was chosen as one of 6 4-5 graders from our school to go to the District Honors Choir. It was a long day but he had a good time and we were very proud of him. (Brittney was receintly chosen for State in March)

Zachery will move up to the Webelos den in Cub Scouts, he's just plugging along. He loves to play computer games and we watch a lot of movies. Probably one of the funniest things lately was a little brotherly bonding! Dowlin and Zachery were playing something on the PS2 - for some reason Zachery kept saying "Arg" like a pirate - It was driving Dowlin up the wall. Dow said, "You say that again I'm going to..." a few minutes later I hear Zachery start making cracks like, "Why didn't you watch that movie? Was it rated 'Arg'?" I couldn't help but bust up. He had others but that was my favorite. He is a funny boy.

Zachery is also learning to mow our massive yard. (Takes longer to start the mower than actually cut the grass) he was pretty funny - concentration was high!

You would never believe this skinny boy - 70 pounds soaking wet, started out at 9lbs 15.5oz. He's just a carbon copy of Dean and Dowlin...Thank goodness for the adjustable waistband in pants!

All in all I think he had a pretty good day - not too busy, but Olivia and I went to the school and ate Holiday lunch with him and Brittney.

Happy Birthday Z-man. Thanks for keeping things light hearted!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Olivia's 1st haircut

What was I thinking? I have given both Mercedes and Brittney many haircuts and the boys monthly! So why was I sooo stressed out with this little one?

Olivia has such curly hair, I thought (and consulted with the girl who does mine) it's so long, if I give her some layers, the top will be lighter and able to curl better. Problem was I couldn't bring myself to give her the shorter layers! I think I took about 5 inches off in attempt...but really it looks the same. She got a sucker and I got a huge headache and had to go take a nap!
K, it's not crooked, she's just sitting funny, LOL

Friday, November 14, 2008


Just a couple of things -
For you new commers to our blog - you might want to check out the post dated Sept 7 - "Big Weekend" that ought to catch you up. The rest is just fun and fluff.
For all of you who helped support Mercedes by sponsoring her for her December Holiday Bowl trip - We can't Thank you enough! THANK YOU! (If anyone is feeling the need to "sponsor" still, read Mercedes post dated - Sept 8 - "Sponsors Welcome". And YES - Sponsors will be welcome until she leaves - Dec 27th :) )
K- that's all.
I know it's a lot to sift through - but this is just proof that you can survive in the desert! LOL
Hope you enjoy reading

Thursday, November 13, 2008

"I'm Number 1"

UPDATE - Dowlin ended the season with 8 Sacks and in the #1 spot for our division!! Congrats Dowlin! Hey Coach, think what he could have had if you would have started him the whole season!
Here is another link for Dowlin! This is for the Northwest 5A division standings (and junk). Last week Dowlin was in a 4 way tie for 2nd in Sacks - FINALLY last game stats were posted and HE'S NUMBER ONE! So click on the link and see his name - scroll down to "Defense" and check out his name in the #1 spot! (Hurry - who knows what will happen tomorrow at the game) lol
Our 1st playoff game is against Boulder Creek (Last weeks leader is from BC-currently #2 spot): ) Anyway, Dowlin is friends with our QB, Trey. At practice the other day, Dow said, "Trey, u let that kid sack you...I'm gonna kick you in the Gonads myself!" Crude but hilarious!

Anyway - check it out! Go Dowlin!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?

Dowlin has been playing Tight End, Linebacker and is on Special Teams. Dow has had a pretty good year. His team is headed for their first State playoff game on the 14th. (Lets hope it goes better than last year - Ouch!) As usual Dowlin works his hiney off on the field! He has managed to get 3 TD's and a Safety (that's a tackle in our end zone) He leads the teams Receivers in points - LOL. He has 6 Sacks and is competing for #1 in AZ 5A division in Sacks! (that's when the QB gets tackled) He also has loads of tackles and blocks - some of which I'm sure the players are still wondering where that train came from! Some so good they should have made TV's highlights hit of the night! He comes out of no where - then, it's too late - BOOM! Anyway - check out his stats here - click on the "offensive" "defensive" or "scoring" categories to see the different stats.

Dowlin is 6"2" - 175 pounds

Showing Special Teams stickers

Senior Night - Dean and I got to escort him onto the field. Here he is with his "BFF" Taylynn. Never knew how a "girl" and a "boy" could be best friends - but these two annoy eachother just right - tell it like is is, and still hangout and "stuff". So more power to you guys -
"Remember, girlfriends come and go - but BFF's last forever"

How many players do you know who have their own water girl? Well, Dow does! The first half of the season we lovingly referred to her as #7. (That was the number she wore, here she is in #82.) Anyway last month he started bringing her home after the games :) her name is Maritza. She has taken good care of Dowlin on the field this year, she purposely fills water bottles with cold water for him. Even Gatorade. You should hear the other guys, "Is that Gatorade?" He gets harassed but hey, he gets the cold water and Gatorade too so, it's worth it. Plus, she's really a nice girl.

Don't forget to check back on "Max Preps" for his stats - they will continute to tally through State.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Our Little Republican

Our little boy was able to vote in his first Presidential Election! (Notice the sticker) After trying to get the Early Ballots mailed to our new address, and failing, we wound up going to the polls anyway.
Dowlin has a Goverment class this year where he spends a lot of time arguing - that's good right? He will not allow anyone to tell him how he believes or how to think!
We are proud of him.
We 3 spent quite a while going over the sample ballot and discussing and making
our own choices for this election! It was a proud moment to be there with him on this monumental day in his life!
I can't ever get through an election with out retelling the story of my 1st Presidental Election.
I was 19 and just married 1 year. Dean and I stood side by side in a trailer park office
in Provo Utah. I began reading the instructions and all of a sudden Dean leans over to me and whispers,
"By the way, we're Republican! First - I felt like we were cheating on a test!
A second later I had collected my thoughts and whispered back with a smile,
"Oh, I thought this was a FREE country." Dean appoligized, it was hilarious, then and now.
Back to Dowlin - As he has come home telling us about different discussions from class -
it has been so awesome to listen to him and feel his excitement as he talks about his views.
One night after he left us, I just laughed and said to Dean, "He is sooo Republican"
He's an adult - he's all grown up - He's my little boy!