Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Angels

Merry Christmas 2007

I know ALL of you were anxiously waiting by your mailboxes for our yearly "Holiday Letter" well, I got it typed - I just never got that Fantastic Family Foto. (I'm going to have to give up on perfection and just be happy for what I can get. I have some... who give me nothing but crap when I say "Wear this" or "Smile" - so here is THE LETTER - Enjoy

Merry Christmas 2007

Happy New Year 2008!

First of all I’d like to point out that this is a “New Year” letter – meant to be received in the “New Year”. It has also been pointed out to me that there are 2 sides to paper! And I am using 11 pt font – if you’re having trouble reading this, you should call your Dr.
Now then…We hope that you all had a Wonderful Christmas! Although we love traveling, we really enjoyed just being home!
Olivia is so much fun. Everyday is something new for her and to be able to share in her excitement is just the best! She has such a enjoyable personality, she laughs, sings, dances, and talks all the time. Aside from the tag lines “I do what I want” (Dowlin) and “Mother” (Mercedes) She really keeps us laughing. Even in trouble she is just so cute! She loves The Lion King movie, play dough, reading books, going to the Library, putting puzzles together and going to nursery at church on Sunday. So far she’s been a model 2 year old! Even potty training has been good!
Zachery is in 3rd grade and is 9 years old! Zachery is honest and helpful. He is a Bear in Cub Scouts and just finished reciting the 13 Articles of Faith in Primary! (What we believe as members of the LDS Church – this is not required, just a fun challenge) Zachery is still my buddy. He’s always quick to volunteer to go anywhere or do (almost) anything for me. He’s doing a great job at school, reads very well and loved counting money in Math…Hmm. Zach played soccer again this fall and really liked scoring goals! He is going to be playing basketball starting in January, with Dean as coach. He also loves to ride his bike and play with friends.
Brittney turned 11 this year! As soon as the candles were out she said, “ I can’t wait until I’m 12!” (She is very excited to be in the Young Women’s program at church) Brittney is an excellent student, and has had more reports as a 5th grader than I had through out HS! She is playing the Trumpet in band, and she played soccer and volleyball this year. She decided after running like crazy on the soccer field that as her dad had said before, “Cheerleading isn’t a real sport” I disagree! Brittney has been reading up a storm! I can hardly keep the kids in books. Britt is a great big sister and is often awaken by Olivia calling her name, and then wanting to climb in bed with her.
Mercedes survived last year and the school district’s torture designed specifically for her called “K-8 in Elementary School”. Going from Jr. High back to Elementary school was bad for her! BUT she is now in High School and loves school again! Whew! And what a 1st semester she’s had! She was in the Marching Band, and had a wonderful time performing at football games, festivals, and they made it to State! Yes, there is State for bands too! The respect and fear she has for her band director is encouraging! Mercedes also started on the Freshman Volleyball team, although I’d like to claim her talents for my own, I know the Taylor height and abilities have helped! She’s almost 5’9”. She is looking forward to track, and softball seasons! She has also been taking a theater class. Her 4 core classes this year are honors classes.
Dowlin is just getting too old! He turned 17 in July and is a Junior in HS! He is a great son. He continues to be a hard worker. He played Varsity football this year and (drum roll…) broke nothing – finished the season! He is almost 6”2” and 170 lbs. His team, (only a 5 yr old school) made it to State playoffs. He is taking basketball season off, but will tryout for baseball in another month! He played JV last year, hopes to make Varsity this year! He has gone out with the full time Missionaries in our ward a few times, good practice for him as he is looking forward to serving a mission after he graduates. Dowlin is also doing very well in school. He also is taking AP classes. We are very proud of him and his efforts!
Jenni – just busy keeping everyone on track. I’ve been reading my brains out too! Between trying to keep up with the kid’s school requirements and my own personal choices, I hardly watch TV at all! I am the 1st Counselor in Primary again, and finally feeling “at home” in the ward.
Dean – says to tell you “I’m still alive” I’ll add on a bit; Although construction is near a stand still, he still has a job, for which we are very grateful! He is the 2nd Counselor in our ward Bishopric.
We are so thankful for Jesus Christ, for His birth, and for the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives! We wish you all a wonderful 2008! Love - The Taylor’s

Friday, November 30, 2007

"88 Dow!"

Wearing number 88 - Dowlin Taylor! (and the crowd goes wild!) OK well at least Mom and Dad do :) Dowlin made the Varsity Football team this year and after playing all summer, and being praised for his abilities, we're scratching our heads as to why he's not playing more? I know that sounds like something 'every parent' would say - but really - We can't figure it out. And that's all I'm going to say about that (mom says through clenched teeth)
Willow Canyon did make the State finals this year for the first time. They are only a 5 year old school - so "it was awesome to make it to state" well that's good if they can keep saying that because after the 3 hour drive to Touscan they got their butts kicked. It was a humbling game to be sure. But as we often tell Dowlin, these are life experiences - that which doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Truthfully, he's aggressive, he plays smart - he's just to obedient and humble - he won't stand up for himself... 'He's a great young man', and those comments coming from teachers, coaches, and friends never get old!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Zachery

Holy Smoke! Who knew that 9 little candles could set off the smoke detector? (No not really) As you can see by the Soccer inspired cake - Zach is our soccer player! He loves it and he is good! He is enjoying 3rd grade and anxious for Christmas.
Poor guy has to wait all year for his birthday then wishes it away wishing for Christmas...
Happy birthday Z-man! We love you!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Happy Birthday Mercedes

Freshman in High School - Plays volleyball on the Freshman team, and in the marching band...Forced into Honors classes....That's our girl. She is having a great 1st year of high school so far. I love that she is taking in everything and trying things! We are quite proud of her!

This is the face that she uses to drive the boys wild! :)

Happy 15th Birthday SIS!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Visit with Grandpa & Grandma Wilson

My Dad and Char came to Arizona for a quick weekend! My brother Kyle and his family live in Gilbert, It is about 1 1/2 hours away, we are NW Valley of Phoenix, they are SE.

Kyle was being Ordained a High Priest in the Melchezedek Priesthood, and My Dad came to Ordain him. Kendall and Jenny (Kyle's oldest) had their #2's baby blessing the same day.

We headed over to Gilbert for a really fun day of visiting and a disturbing game of "Zip Bong" I hope I never have to see that again!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Homecoming 2007

Ahhh - to be a teenager again! All the drama, the dates, the wondering who will ask you to dance, the fancy dresses... No, never mind, I'm good being on the parental side!

Watch out boys! - Future Man eater alert
I labeled this picture "Stud"
he had to be in all black to go with the girls teal dress -
Dowlin actually double dated with a friend for this event - Seemed to have fun - cute girl. (Kayla)

Mercedes not 16 yet was not aloud to date. so she and her friend Amber went together.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Brittney turns 11

Who doesn't love a heart stopping "surprise"? Well, I'm good with it as long as it isn't meant for me. We got Brittney really good this year - she was just getting home from her soccer game, and coming up to her room to change, where all the girls were waiting!

They has loads of fun! They beaded bracelets, they sang Karaoke, they frosted their own cupcake. Kinda of funny, every ones gift included some kind of candy. She was happy and really had a fun day - Thanks girls, hope we can scare you soon too!
Aspen, Brooke, Kimberlee, Brittney, Michaela, Amanda, Alysa & Alyson

Monday, August 13, 2007

First day of School

Mercedes 1st day of High school and Seminary!(sniff sniff) I'm sure she had a few jitters, but she played it cool. She has been at Volleyball all summer and Band camp for the last 2 weeks - so she's not actually walking in "green"
Dowlin - 11th grade - we are amazed at how quickly the years are flying by. This kid has kept us running for years and here we go again - Such a nice guy!

Notice the uniforms, Khaki bottoms, collared solid shirt...Ya, love it! Brittney is headed off to 5th grade and Zachery to 3rd grade. They will be attending Cimarron Springs Elementary School. Our housing development is like this chunk of houses in no mans land - so we get bumped. Kids in this neighborhood have gone to 4 different schools in the last 4 years (Cimarron 2X) the growth is incredible. Both Brittney and Zachery's teachers are pregnant and will be leaving midway through the year - we are so fortunate our kids are so good! They will be helpful and do fine. It's me who's a worry wart...I really miss being in the kids school and knowing the teachers and kids... maybe someday again right?

UPDATE - notice how I said I love the uniforms...well get this! 2 weeks into school, after all the school shopping was done and the kids had worn everything, the school district does away with the uniform policy. Apparently in JUNE a WHINER BABY parent complained their child's rights to express them self was being squashed by being forced to wear uniforms! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT - THEY CHANGED IT FOR 1 PARENT! Don't ask everyone else - UGH! so frustrating! I'm mad so I just have to say, "WHINER BABIES SUCK!"

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Olivia!

Olivia turned 2! She loves "puppys" so the puppy cake was a hit. Brittney and Zachery helped decorate it so it was lots of fun.

Olivia also has been dragging Brittney's baby doll around for months now - time to get her own baby. She's a very gracious gift receiver - she loves everything!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Dowlin!

17- WOW! As usual Dowlin has been working his hiney off this summer. He's on the football field at 7am every morning and playing in several passing leagues through out the summer. He skated by last school year, they figured out how smart he is and will be enrolled in AP classes for the coming school year - Thank you to all the Kansas teachers who put their heart and soul into teaching our kids - it's paying off. Their doing quite well in Arizona!

We actually had a family "July Birthday Party" this is Ethan (Kendall & Jenny's #1 - our #3 "Great") turned 2 in the beginning of July. Dowlin turning 17. And Olivia turning 2 on the 25th. Is Dowlin a good sport or what? Whatca get? well, he got an Ipod -

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Best purchase!

This little 18' above ground pool and saved our lives! We spent most of summer soaking in it and the kids show no sign of slowing down this summer! Love to swim!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

High Adventure

Here Dowlin and Dean are loaded and read to leave on the Priest High Adventure. This is part of the 16-18 years old Scouting program. The Young Mens Presidents family has a cabin about 4-5 hours Southeast, almost New Mexico I believe Dean said. They hiked, went Elk spotting, swiming, horse back riding, and mountain biking and had a great week bonding with the guys! Dean was able to go for the week but to hear Dowlin re-tell the mountain biking story Dean was done before they were up the hill. He stole another kids bike which had a "girl" seat on it to start with, but by the end of the day, and a few near death experiences he offered to drive the truck and trailer to the pickup spot the rest of the week. (The horseback riding scene from "The Great Outdoors" with John Candy and Dan Akroid is what I picture here) Dowlin also learned that our Bishop is crazy! Said he never used his brakes - went down the mountain like his hair was on fire! LOL

Friday, May 11, 2007

Fathers & Sons Campout

Church wide Fathers and Sons, men and boys, head out to the wilderness to commemorate Joseph Smith receiving the Priesthood. This year our Arizona boys headed to Payson, a wee 3 hour drive (?) to enjoy the wilderness and being a "man".
I'm not going to pretend I know what goes on at these camp outs - I've seen pictures that would scare any Mom for life! All I know is that they go, they bond, there is activities like "Who can build the biggest fire?" and "Who can stand by that fire the longest with out catching their hair on fire?" My personal favorite which 3 year old can run the fastest with the sharpest stick? Then they wrestle or play capture the flag to make sure their clothes will be ruined for good, they all pack up and come home smelling like smoke among other things. Here's where I come in - I meet them at the door, make them strip down to their under-ware and send them to the showers! Hey Kansas campers - guess what? No tick checks in Arizona, LOL!
It must be good fun - they go back every year!
Are you wondering what us "girls" do? Well in our house - we sleep in my bed, eat popcorn and candy while watching 'girly' movies like The Sound of Music, or Titanic. Both male & female are happy and rejuvinated for another year!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Dip in the Pool?

OK - not that a dip in the pool is unusual, but I am still adjusting to the "warmth" of Arizona - it's April and the kids are swimming in the pool! They say if you can make it through the Summer you will love the Fall and Winter. Spring...it's "ify" - Well, we made it and from about October to March was lovely, Then the furnace was lit, and as the song says..."The Heat is On" So if you're planning a visit (which we would LOVE) rule of thumb - April -September, HOT! October - March, NICE :)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

JV Baseball

Dowlin made the JV Baseball team at Willow Canyon High School this year - He's playing mostly in the field, but has seen action on 3rd base as well. He knows how to pitch, but refuses to let the coach know about that...stubborn! This game was played in the the Royals/Rangers Staduim - it was cool. Dowlin actually slid headfirst into home plate during this game and found the catchers cleat in his face and got himself a little dazed! Wonder where all those years of slide training went wrong? oh well - hey "Stick Boy" we love to watch you play!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Boys just wanna have fun

Brotherly bonding is so cool!
It's no secret that Arizona has tons of Major lague Baseball teams Spring Training stadiums. Well only a 5 minute drive gets you to the KANSAS CITY ROYALS and Texas Rangers Spring Training facility. Its really quite awesome. during the off season all the city leagues from baseball and soccer to football get to use the stadium for their games. Then the "big guys" get to town and it's 6 weeks of game after game after game!
Dowlin and Zachery took in a game this year - I thought it was pretty cool Dow took Zach. He even bought him junk food and souveniers!
After the teams leave for their home towns - they allow the Highschool and little league teams to play a game in the big atadium - It really is cool!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Momma's got a Brand New Hip

Well - how to document this, hmmm... just a quick update -

When I took Dowlin in to the Orthopedic Surgeon for his back last September, I mentioned to the nurse that my hip had been bothering me for years. We set an appointment for me with the "Hip Dr". After Xrays and visiting with Dr Thompson of the CORE Institute - It was determined that I would need a "Total Hip Replacement" - OK! I'm 38! Long story short, It is very common for the 1st born females to have Hip Displacia during birth. Taking into account that I weighed 10#13oz at birth, and that my Birth-Mother was about a size 4 before I was born - We figure I probably had Hip Displacia since birth.

By the look of my Xrays (I'll spare you - your welcome) the hip ball - was never in the hip socket. I lived 38 years in pain, thinking that was normal. Upon questioning my Dad and sister, they felt terrible! (not that they would have known) I did everything developmentally normal crawl, walk, run, etc... So no blame guys!

Anyway - Dean's parents came to help us with the kids, and lend me moral support! (Jan just had her knee replaced in October) Dean and I headed to Boswell Hospital in Sun City, AZ (LOL this is where the "old people" live year round) Surgery was a little longer than they were expecting, and Dean was getting nervous, but Dr Thompson finally came out and gave him the "all's well" and explained how bad things were and what they had to do. (again, I'm sparing you the details) I now have about a 5 inch stainless steel rod down my left femur, and porcelain ball joint, and steel and porcelain socket joint. (In my new Xrays - you can see 3 screws - cool huh) The incision is only about 5 inches long and healed quite nicely. They added 1/2 and inch to the left length too. So no more limp!

I was in the hospital for 4 days (I think) and Taleen came to help me and the kids on Saturday! They weren't going to let me out, because my blood counts were not right, but I begged and was doing everything pretty well even stairs - and got to come home on Sunday. The next few weeks I've got to admit were a blur. And very difficult to sleep, and the boys both got strep throat really bad - (add antibiotic to my daily medications) Physical Therapy 2-3 times a week for about 5 weeks, helped a lot - I will forever be grateful to my 3 cheerleaders at Physiotherapy, Mark, Mark & Jen. I was scared to leave!

I know that there is no way I would have survived this without the support of Dean and my kids, GG Taylor, Taleen, and Cheri! And my Visiting Teachers, and Home Teachers brought in meals! It's quite humbling to all of a sudden be the one everyone is doing everything for! I had to use a "granny walker" (It was Great Grandma Taylor's - what an honor, lol) that was - WOW, I felt really old! Then I finally graduated to a cane - still old, but at least not the walker :)

So much for my "short update" - In conclusion, it was about 4 months until I felt "normal" again - and felt good. I still do things like lurch into a quick jog or something, after Olivia, and I'll cringe remembering that it's going to hurt. Then when it doesn't it makes me smile.

UPDATE - At my 1 year check up, I told the Dr, "It doesn't hurt here (pointing to my hip) but here (pointing to my brain) still thinks it's going to". He was very pleased with my progress and released me totally! I told him that I wasn't going to do anything that "hurt". Anybody who knows me knows I'm not into pain!
But I wanted a few clarifications...light jogging? Nope - the replacement just wasn't made to take that kind of pressure. DANG! I was so into jogging before! LOL. DDR (Dance Dance Revolution - this is a PlayStation game) The kids, Dowlin mostly, were very concerned that this was a big NO NO - Dr said I can do all the walking, all the biking, all the DDR I want! HA!
Then as we were walking down the hall to check out, I told him the secret desire of my heart! "I really want to do a cartwheel again" So there we both were doing the cartwheel motions in slow motion in the hall way, 1st he said OK, then we decided maybe not, as we were laughing about how I was his ONLY patient to ever ask if I could do a cartwheel. Never once had his senior patients asked - go figure!