Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Olivia!

Olivia turned 2! She loves "puppys" so the puppy cake was a hit. Brittney and Zachery helped decorate it so it was lots of fun.

Olivia also has been dragging Brittney's baby doll around for months now - time to get her own baby. She's a very gracious gift receiver - she loves everything!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Dowlin!

17- WOW! As usual Dowlin has been working his hiney off this summer. He's on the football field at 7am every morning and playing in several passing leagues through out the summer. He skated by last school year, they figured out how smart he is and will be enrolled in AP classes for the coming school year - Thank you to all the Kansas teachers who put their heart and soul into teaching our kids - it's paying off. Their doing quite well in Arizona!

We actually had a family "July Birthday Party" this is Ethan (Kendall & Jenny's #1 - our #3 "Great") turned 2 in the beginning of July. Dowlin turning 17. And Olivia turning 2 on the 25th. Is Dowlin a good sport or what? Whatca get? well, he got an Ipod -

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Best purchase!

This little 18' above ground pool and saved our lives! We spent most of summer soaking in it and the kids show no sign of slowing down this summer! Love to swim!