Merry Christmas 2007
Happy New Year 2008!
First of all I’d like to point out that this is a “New Year” letter – meant to be received in the “New Year”. It has also been pointed out to me that there are 2 sides to paper! And I am using 11 pt font – if you’re having trouble reading this, you should call your Dr.
Now then…We hope that you all had a Wonderful Christmas! Although we love traveling, we really enjoyed just being home!
Olivia is so much fun. Everyday is something new for her and to be able to share in her excitement is just the best! She has such a enjoyable personality, she laughs, sings, dances, and talks all the time. Aside from the tag lines “I do what I want” (Dowlin) and “Mother” (Mercedes) She really keeps us laughing. Even in trouble she is just so cute! She loves The Lion King movie, play dough, reading books, going to the Library, putting puzzles together and going to nursery at church on Sunday. So far she’s been a model 2 year old! Even potty training has been good!
Zachery is in 3rd grade and is 9 years old! Zachery is honest and helpful. He is a Bear in Cub Scouts and just finished reciting the 13 Articles of Faith in Primary! (What we believe as members of the LDS Church – this is not required, just a fun challenge) Zachery is still my buddy. He’s always quick to volunteer to go anywhere or do (almost) anything for me. He’s doing a great job at school, reads very well and loved counting money in Math…Hmm. Zach played soccer again this fall and really liked scoring goals! He is going to be playing basketball starting in January, with Dean as coach. He also loves to ride his bike and play with friends.
Brittney turned 11 this year! As soon as the candles were out she said, “ I can’t wait until I’m 12!” (She is very excited to be in the Young Women’s program at church) Brittney is an excellent student, and has had more reports as a 5th grader than I had through out HS! She is playing the Trumpet in band, and she played soccer and volleyball this year. She decided after running like crazy on the soccer field that as her dad had said before, “Cheerleading isn’t a real sport” I disagree! Brittney has been reading up a storm! I can hardly keep the kids in books. Britt is a great big sister and is often awaken by Olivia calling her name, and then wanting to climb in bed with her.
Mercedes survived last year and the school district’s torture designed specifically for her called “K-8 in Elementary School”. Going from Jr. High back to Elementary school was bad for her! BUT she is now in High School and loves school again! Whew! And what a 1st semester she’s had! She was in the Marching Band, and had a wonderful time performing at football games, festivals, and they made it to State! Yes, there is State for bands too! The respect and fear she has for her band director is encouraging! Mercedes also started on the Freshman Volleyball team, although I’d like to claim her talents for my own, I know the Taylor height and abilities have helped! She’s almost 5’9”. She is looking forward to track, and softball seasons! She has also been taking a theater class. Her 4 core classes this year are honors classes.
Dowlin is just getting too old! He turned 17 in July and is a Junior in HS! He is a great son. He continues to be a hard worker. He played Varsity football this year and (drum roll…) broke nothing – finished the season! He is almost 6”2” and 170 lbs. His team, (only a 5 yr old school) made it to State playoffs. He is taking basketball season off, but will tryout for baseball in another month! He played JV last year, hopes to make Varsity this year! He has gone out with the full time Missionaries in our ward a few times, good practice for him as he is looking forward to serving a mission after he graduates. Dowlin is also doing very well in school. He also is taking AP classes. We are very proud of him and his efforts!
Jenni – just busy keeping everyone on track. I’ve been reading my brains out too! Between trying to keep up with the kid’s school requirements and my own personal choices, I hardly watch TV at all! I am the 1st Counselor in Primary again, and finally feeling “at home” in the ward.
Dean – says to tell you “I’m still alive” I’ll add on a bit; Although construction is near a stand still, he still has a job, for which we are very grateful! He is the 2nd Counselor in our ward Bishopric.
We are so thankful for Jesus Christ, for His birth, and for the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives! We wish you all a wonderful 2008! Love - The Taylor’s
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