Well here's our little angels getting ready for the Ward Trunk or Treat
As you can see, Brittney was some-sort of Fairy, Zachery was a soldier
Olivia was Snow White - She actually did pretty well with all of the "Scarey" masks that we terrify our children with. As we were Trick or Treating in our neighborhood, she & Zach walked up to a door where several adults were waiting...There was a guy in a "Scream" costume, and although he did not move, she watched him carefully. The lady giving out candy asked her if she was afraid of the guy. Olivia confidently said, "No, I'm not afraid of him!" She & Zach turned to walk away and her sleeve got caught on their car. She couldn't hold the terror back anymore. She started this terrified cry. It was heartbreaking! She skipped the rest of the street as I carried her. Finally, she was walking & I asked her if she wanted to go with Zach up to a door, again she said, "No...Oh fine, give me the bucket" It was so funny.
I was glad that she wasn't scarred for life. She was quite selective about which houses she would go up to the rest of the night though!
Then there was Princess Mercedes! She was the hit of the Trunk or Treat! Several little girls followed her around stunned. They were sure she was the "Real Cinderella". Her Sunday School teacher was ticking off the other girls in their classes costumes - "faries, devil, pirate" then he said, "I couldn't believe Mercedes was this beautiful princess!" (she sometimes comes off a bit sarcastic-Haha) Then he said, "I think these girls were showing their inner-selves" I agree - Mercedes has always been a Princess!
(By the way, this lovely retro gown happened to grace the 1986 Junior Prom of
Rogers High School - that's right, it was mine)
my favorite comments of the night were" That's so pretty, you should have seen my mom's prom dress"
Thanks Daddy - 22 years and it still "princessy"