Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Brittney's 12th Birthday!

This is the day she's been waiting for since she turned 11! Brittney is FINALLY 12 years old! Why so excited? Well, apparently everything "good" happens when you're 12! (duh) Brittney graduated from Primary (that's the children's organization at church) and now is able to attend Young Women's with their weekly activities, and summer girls camps, and start working on her goals in her Personal Progress book. She also will get to begin babysitting "outside" the home - for money! She's constantly reminding us of the "perks" of being 12, lol.
Brittney's new haircut - This was a huge deal! notice the "bangs" - OK well shorter hair around the face, although she has had other haircuts, off the length, this was her first, in the salon, wash with shampoo, layers, style, etc... the whole shabang! she couldn't stop smiling!

On Saturday morning, her Beehive class came over about 7am and "kidnapped" her for breakfast. As she casually lay watching TV, 3 girls came running in, with bandannas, and scarf covering their faces, grabbed her, and dragged her out the house, and off they went with their leaders for breakfast and bonding ... Olivia was quite upset and quizzed me for hours "I want my baby sissy back" (Mercedes is "sissy" therefore Brittney is "baby sissy") Even after I told her who the girls were, and that she was just going for breakfast and to have fun she didn't rest until Britt was safely home.


Malie said...

Cool deal. Yes, my 11 y.o. has been counting down the days till she turns 12 as well. Only 9 more months to go. Very cool Brittney!

Steve, Kristine, Cole, Kade said...

Happy Birthday Brittney! I remember when our YW's did the same thing! It is a great way to get started in the "grown - up" girl world! What will it be like when she gets to start wearing make-up?

JenW said...

hey happy happy late brithday brit! your haircut looks AWESOME! congrats on making it to 12:)