Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Our Little Republican

Our little boy was able to vote in his first Presidential Election! (Notice the sticker) After trying to get the Early Ballots mailed to our new address, and failing, we wound up going to the polls anyway.
Dowlin has a Goverment class this year where he spends a lot of time arguing - that's good right? He will not allow anyone to tell him how he believes or how to think!
We are proud of him.
We 3 spent quite a while going over the sample ballot and discussing and making
our own choices for this election! It was a proud moment to be there with him on this monumental day in his life!
I can't ever get through an election with out retelling the story of my 1st Presidental Election.
I was 19 and just married 1 year. Dean and I stood side by side in a trailer park office
in Provo Utah. I began reading the instructions and all of a sudden Dean leans over to me and whispers,
"By the way, we're Republican! First - I felt like we were cheating on a test!
A second later I had collected my thoughts and whispered back with a smile,
"Oh, I thought this was a FREE country." Dean appoligized, it was hilarious, then and now.
Back to Dowlin - As he has come home telling us about different discussions from class -
it has been so awesome to listen to him and feel his excitement as he talks about his views.
One night after he left us, I just laughed and said to Dean, "He is sooo Republican"
He's an adult - he's all grown up - He's my little boy!


Jesmyluk said...

Good for him!!! I think we all remember the first time we were old enough to vote. Its a magical and momentous moment, when we realize we really are grown ups.

Malie said...

Can you believe both my parents are democrats! From there, sprung two generations of republicans.