Sunday, September 07, 2008

Big Weekend!

Well, it's Monday - we survived... If you're wondering what I'm talking about - let me take you back a few days! Tuesday - I'm being wifely - ironing, when the phone rings - "Hello?" - The Stake Presidents Secretary...(dun dun dun) says, "The Stake President would like to meet with you and wants you to bring your husband along." I spent several hours stressing wondering what the heck he could want me for, and in what Stake organization - (jumping ahead to the meeting) He asked about our kids and about what callings I have held in the church - (BTW I'm still panicing) Finally he asks if I was ready for my next calling in the Church. I said "Umm, sure" (brilliant huh) He then called me to be the next Bishops wife!
After the couple of seconds clicked by - Dean said, "We don't do that in this church, Bishop Smith already has a wife". (LOL) he then proceeded to tell Dean that He had been authorized by the First Presidency to call him to be the new Bishop of the Willow Canyon Ward. After about 30 minutes, we walked out of the office and I said, "Well, I feel a lot better!" We are completely humbled, and feeling the Lords love and strength today more than ever!
(Jump ahead to the weekend - Sunday) Ken and Taleen were on their way back to Kansas after visiting their kids in the west, so they came to Arizona - Kyle and Kara and their family came over from Glibert, Kay and Jerry Hartley and Otis and Cheri Henson and family all came to our Sacrament meeting - just incase the Stake Presidency sitting on the stand wasn't a give away of something big going on, you only had to look around the congragation, LOL dead give away - visiting family and new suit.
Anyway it was a wonderful day and once the testimonies were given, I felt a lot better. Color returned to Deans face, and the rest of the day was filled with family visiting...without Dean of course, he was in meetings. BTW Jeff Lunt is the 1st Counselor, and Lynn Johnson is the 2nd Counselor.
Here is our family picture - don't look to close, it might wind up being the Christmas picture this year too. :)


Malie said...

Love Dean's comment about the bishop's wife. Hilarious!!! Congrats you guys. The ward is in great hands. We wish we could be there to be apart of it. Actually. Maybe not. Dean might give me a calling that would make me too busy to do anything twilight (LOL). So maybe it's good we're here instead. Love you guys! BTW, great family picture.

Jared T said...

Heaven save us all!!! ... in all seriousness, heaven save us all!! JK

Congrats Dean, I can't think of a better big brother than you to have the Lord's trust.

Matt said...

See...this is the exact reason why I only pay 9.5% avoid this calling. ;)

That's a commitment, for sure. You'll both do great. Thanks for being willing to accept it.

Dean, if I move down there can I be scoutmaster with no give backs?

Miss and love you guys.