Monday, February 09, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

This Morning Olivia and I sat down to write her Valentines cards for her pre-school class party Thursday - She has been working all year long and had perfected the "Ol" part of her name. As a matter of fact it was all "OlOlOlOl" but very cute!
I was dazzled as she concentrated and just like a pro wrote her whole name by herself! (With a little prompting from me - ""k, now write an "a" - that's the circle with a tail")
So I thought I would share Valentine wishes to anyone who reads this!


Jesmyluk said...

Yay Livi!!! Way to go Sweetie!!!

Lora and Carl said...

So cute when they are at that age--and Valentines is such a fun girly holiday hoe fun to have Olivia to enjoy it with--and WOW to be able to write O-l-i-v-i-a over and over! Whew!

Dean and Jenni said...

Ya - she's a genius! LOL We clapped and hugged and everything! it was a happy day!