Saturday, May 02, 2009


You know..there came a time during Mercedes 3+ years in Tae Kwon Do that we feared for our own safety. As we watched our sweet little Princess kick boys butts and slap spar her favorite brown belt so hard their hands hurt!
Dean and I looked at each other with fear as I said, "She knows where we sleep!" LOL
Since then we have looked for and encouraged other avenues to use her energy...
She has Cheered (She was a beautiful Cheerleader - just not really "Peppy")

She Ran Track and Qualified for State in Discus

She has Acted...

She has played the trumpet since 5th grade - and Rocks the WCHS Marching uniform...AND Cape! :-)

She has played Volleyball and Softball

Last March, Mercedes and Kaden became fast Friends...(Remember when I said Trevor brought nephews over when they came for dinner?) (Check the March posts)

Well - Dean and Mercedes were invited to join in one of their family activities, they love hunting and shooting...Shooting!

Now.. if your scratching your head thinking...You feared before? What now? Well Relax! lol - Mercedes has always been very responsible about her methods of self defence. AND She and Dean used all of our bullets -Haha!
No, she is really having a great time and She learned Safety, how to load, and shoot all in good company. It was a great Father/Daughter activity too.
I didn't have to go, lol - Christina and I were chillin' at the house while the other kids swam - lol
Anyway - there is Mercedes in a nut shell -
Pshh! Like she will ever be "simple enough" to be put into a "nut shell"!
It has been fun looking at all of these old photos though - right?


Matt said...

Wow. Multi-talented doesn't even scratch the surface. Great homage.

Malie said...

That's why I always wanted her to babysit. Cause I knew she could kick anyone's butt that came through the door.LOL. She is one tough chica!